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Cliff Wallace and Tim Dry

Friday May 16, 2014 | Past Shows | Neal

SFX make up artist Cliff Wallace and 2 1/2 hour interview with Tim Dry!

Hellraiser FX Artist Cliff Wallace & Tim Dry Download

Hellraiser month continued with SFX make up artist Cliff Wallace:
- Hellraiser
- Clive Barker
- Frank's rebirth from Hell
- Chatterer's redesign in Hellbound
- deleted scene from Hellbound
- Channard's death


Then the crew returned for their dose of madness covering:
- "Hannibal" weekly review
- "Rosemary's Baby" review
- "The Sacrament" review
- "Amazing Spiderman 2" review
- much more including a special DNM announcement

We were then joined by artist of the month Tim Dry with an in depth 2 1/2 hour interview covering his musical career with Shock, Tik & Tok, TIMANDMO and so much more:
Tracks for this podcast -
"Gone Sparky" by Tik & Tok
"Your Face or Mine" by Tik & Tok
"Au Lecteur" by Tim Dry lyrics by Charles Baudelaire
"Somewhere" by TIMANDMO
"The Vampire" by Tim Dry lyrics by Charles Baudelaire

Theme song by Strange Nocturnal:


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