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Tim Dry & Barbie Wilde

Friday September 5, 2014 | Past Shows | Neal

Tim Dry and Barbie Wilde!

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We opened the show with Tim Dry and Barbie Wilde!
- Their new project "Bad Medicine" and how you can help fund it via Indiegogo!
- What drew them to the project and what we can expect
- their horror anthology novels they have worked on
- witchcraft
- demons
- serial killers
- Jack the Ripper
- so much more, too much to name so just listen up!
- For "Bad Medicine" information please visit the Indiegogo campaign or facebook.com/Badmedicinemovie

The Neal and Annabelle went over:
- Tusk
- ABCs of Death 2
- As Above So Below reviews
- Lucifer Valentine's Vomit Gore Trilogy !?!
- Countdown to WYH at Mad Monster Shadow Over Seattle madmonsterseattle.com/

Artist of the Month - Monster Trio:
Tracks for this podcast -

Theme song by Strange Nocturnal:

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