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John Dugan

Friday November 7, 2014 | Past Shows | Neal

John Dugan "Grandpa" of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" in a nearly 2 hour interview!

John Dugan Download

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We kicked off with a nearly 2 hour interview with John Dugan "Grandpa" of "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" covering:
- fan support in his reprisal of the role for the prequel
- Tobe Hooper
- Marilyn Burns memories
- road stories on the convention scene
- the 40th anniversary remastered cut
- much more!

Then the Jones Boys went over:
- American Horror Story Freakshow Halloween special
- review of Jessabelle opening this weekend
- breaking news of the Hellraiser remake
- Halloween 2014
- Annabelle apologizes for not being able to be here
- much more!

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*DEBUT OF NEW THEME SONG* by artist of the month Strange Nocturnal:
Tracks for this podcast -
Without Your Head
This Halloween Will Haunt You
Halloween is Never Really Over

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