Friday August 28, 2015 | Past Shows | Neal
Eileen Dietz the face of the devil in the iconic film The Exorcist joined us! We talked about the movie, conventions, current work, horror films and her book "Exorcising My Demons" for information on the book and current contest visit her site or message on Facebook!
Eileen Dietz Download
Then the WYH Crew took over going over:
- Red Dragon on Hannibal
- Barbie Wilde of Hellbound's new anthology book
- Witch trailer
- Mad Mikkelsen joining Marvel's "Dr Strange"
- alien egg laying sex toys ?!?
- Neal looking like a serial killer as a child
- Forbidden Zone Ultimate Edition review, coming soon to DVD and BluRay
- Much more!
Artist of the month The B Movie Monsters!
Tracks for this podcast -
Without Your Head by Strange Nocturnal
Beware The Moon by The B Movie Monsters
Salem's Lot by The B Movie Monsters
Let's Kill the Prom Queen by The B Movie Monsters
10-31 by The B Movie Monsters
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