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Friday September 11, 2015 | Past Shows | Neal

Nicholas Vince (Chatterer of Hellraiser) and director Mark Logan talked about their new project RATS and how you can help make it a reality with your help via IndieGogo!

Veronika Franz and Severin Fiala the writers and directors of one of the most talked about horror films of 2015 "Goodnight Mommy"! (3:28:00)

Rats and Goodnight Mommy Download

Then the WYH Crew took over going over:
- Krampus is coming
- Goodnight Mommy review
- discussion over remakes vs originals
- Scarface and Roadhouse being remade?!?
- Spit or Swallow : Bailey's Salted Caramel
- Preacher TV show
- American Horror story Hotel
- Bone Tomahawk with Kurt Russell
- Victor Frankenstein
- M. Night Shamalam's The Visit
- much more !!!

Artist of the month Wolfman Chuck and the Spookalele of Doom!
Tracks for this podcast -
Without Your Head by Strange Nocturnal
The Place Between True Darkness and Endless Screams by Wolfman Chuck and the Spookalele of Doom
Demon Eyes by Wolfman Chuck and the Spookalele of Doom
Casket Caress by Wolfman Chuck and the Spookalele of Doom
Tip Toe Thru The Tulips by Wolfman Chuck and the Spookalele of Doom
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