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James Schumacher of Inheritance Comic

Friday February 12, 2016 | Past Shows | Neal

James Schumacher creator of The Inheritance Comic joined us talking about the comic, the art, the inspiration with his mom, Twilight Zone and so much more in a nearly 2 hour conversation!

James Schumacher Download

Also discussed on this show:
- The Satanic Temple claiming "The Witch" an official Satanic experience
- "Time After Time" coming to TV
- Rob Zombie hinting at a "Devil's Rejects" sequel
- "The Invisible Man" remake with Johnny Depp
- The Karloff awards coming and much more!

Tracks for this podcast -
"Without Your Head" by Strange Nocturnal
"Left Handed Darling" and "Paradise" by Satanicpornocultshop

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