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Paul Ehlers of Madman

Saturday March 12, 2016 | Past Shows | Neal

Paul Ehlers "Madman Marz" of MADMAN joined us! Talking about the film, fans, the legacy and so much more including his new Bigfoot project!
Check out the crowdfunding campaign here!

Paul Ehlers Download

Then the whole crew reunited going over:
- Ghostbusters
- Spit or Swallow Kinky Pink and Blue
- Movies that were good ideas but bad in delivery
- Texas Frightmare coming up!
- Slenderman
- The Greasy Stangler
- Tons more!

Artist of the month The Army of Walking Corpses supplied the tunes!
Tracks for this podcast -
"Without Your Head" by Strange Nocturnal
"Man or Beast" and "One Eye Blind" by Army of Walking Corpses!

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