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Tami Stronach of The Neverending Story

Friday March 10, 2017 | Past Shows | Neal

Tami Stronach the child Empress of the classic "The NeverEnding Story" joined us to discuss the movie, it's legacy and her current project "Beanstalk Jack"


Tami went over:
- getting the role of the Empress
- making The Neverending Story
- how it affected her life
- how her views have changed over the years
- children's films not being dumbed down
- her parents fleeing Iran
- her favorite horror films
- more including her new project "Beanstalk Jack"

Troy, Seth and Neal went over:
- controversy over "Jeepers Creepers 3"
- "Get Out" hub bub
- "The Lost Boys" coming to the CW
- "Alien Covenant" trailer
- "The Transfiguration" trailer
- "Saw Legacy"
- Tons more including Scooby Doo porn ?!?

Music of the month InAeona supplied the tunes!
Tracks for this podcast -
"Without Your Head" by Strange Nocturnal
"Lonely Boy" by Tamo Stronach's "Paper Canoe Company". "Falling" and "Time To Go" by "InAeona"

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