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Watching Movies - Deirdre

Tuesday May 16, 2017 | Watching Movies | Neal

Review of "Deirdre" by The Headless Critic

Deirdre – 2016

Production by: Aston Productions

An enticing short story of Ireland’s most tragic heroine folklore. Dierdre is one of the film industries many great short films that doesn’t get proper distribution. A coming of age tale of a young woman standing up to her religious overbearing mother, lead by her feelings for a boy in town. For a fifteen minute film, Deirdre has excellent acting, good cinematography and a nice score for Irish folklore.

The short film successfully leaves the viewer thinking there should be more, which apparently there will be. Director Jo Southwell is currently listed as being in pre-production of her first full length feature. based off this short, titled Deirdre of the Sorrows. So far the short she’s done is good. I expect a beautifully shot feature with equal quality performances and the same whisking away to Ireland this short film successfully provided. If the feature is as good as Dierdre, it’ll be worth checking out.

3 out of 5 Headless Critics