Saturday July 29, 2017 | Past Shows | Neal
Caroline Williams and Sadie Katz of the new Blood Feast!
Blood Feast Download
Caroline Williams open ed the show:
- the new Blood Feast
- how she got involved
- director Marcel Walz
- Robert Rusler as Fuad Ramses
- filming in Europe
- the problems with the MPAA over the rating
- gore
- the Hollywood premier
- upcoming theatrical release and more!
Sadie Katz then joins Nasty Neal (36:00)
- Marcel Waltz seeing her as Ishtar
- playing a Goddess
- her exposed breast on film
- the MPAA controversy
- Hollywood premier
- Robert Rusler, Caroline Williams and Sophie Monk
- horror films
- her upcoming documentary The Bill Murray Experience and more!
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Music of the month The Tomb of Nick Cage supplied the tunes!
Tracks for this podcast -
"Without Your Head" by Strange Nocturnal
"Tub of Blood" and "The Pharaoh of New Orleans" by The Tomb of Nick Cage!
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