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John Kassir and Playing With Dolls Havoc!

Friday August 18, 2017 | Past Shows | Neal

John Kassir the voice of The Crypt Keeper & director Rene Perez and star Stormi Maya of the new slasher Playing with Dolls : Havoc joined Nasty Neal!

John Kassir and Playing with Dolls : Havoc Download

John Kassir opened the show with Nasty Neal:
- convention memories
- Crypt Keeper origins
- the voice
- working for HBO in the early days
- chicks into the Keeper ?!
- EC comics
- the upcoming Mystic Cosmic Patrol and more!
See John in person September 29th weekend at The Scarefest X

Rene Perez and star Stormi Maya of the new slasher Playing with Dolls : Havoc joined Nasty Neal:
- the gore in the movie
- slashers
- making a movie for horror fans
- Stormi's involvement
- hot women in horror
- so much more so listen up and check out Playing With Dolls Havoc now on VOD - pwdhavoc.com

Nasty Neal finished the show going over:
- upcoming guests
- "Clown" review
- "The Devil's Candy" now on Netflix
- Stephen King movie adaptations
- tons more plug the winner of a FREE Scarefest pass!

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Music of the month Mementut supplied the tunes!
Tracks for this podcast -
"Without Your Head" by Strange Nocturnal
"Black God" and "Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit​-​Hyperaktivitatsstorung" by Mementut!
Track after the Playing With Dolls : Havoc interview is from the film's sound track!

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