Thursday November 23, 2017 | Past Shows | Neal
Director Connar Frazier and Nathan Forrest Winters giving us updates on their documentary Pure Eternus along with Scream Queen Jessica Cameron voicing her support of the documentary.
Connar Frazier, Nathan Forrest Winters and Jessica Cameron Download
Connar, Nathan and Jessica joined Nasty Neal and Mama Creepy:
- updates on Pure Eternus
- Nathan's scoring of the film
- Francis Ford Coppola's protection of Victor Salva
- abuse of power within the movie industry
- Jessica's live scream
- Nathan's live musical performance of "The Boy" and more!
Official Facebook of Pure Eternus
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Music of the month Andrew Hung supplied the tunes!
Tracks for this podcast -
"Without Your Head" by Strange Nocturnal
"Oily Grapefruit" by Andrew Hung!
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