Friday December 15, 2017 | Past Shows | Neal
Joshua Kennedy director of the upcoming House of the Gorgon starring several of the famous Hammer Horror women joined us and we went over our 6 6 6 list of Scream Queens!
Joshua Kennedy Download
Joshua joined us going over:
- Hammer Horror
- House of the Gorgon
- The Gorgon
- stop motion
- his independent films
- his parents
- the cast Caroline Munro, Martine Beswicke, Veronica Carlson and Christopher Neame
- Graham Humphreys
- horror films and more!
IndieGogo Campaign
Then we talked to long time listener Austin and went over our 6 6 6 list of favorite Scream Queens!
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Music of the month Mutant Reavers supplied the tunes!
Tracks for this podcast -
"Terror In Tentacle Bay", "Mother of the Morlocks" and "Give Me Back My Holotape" by Mutant Reavers!
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