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Watching Movies - Marrowbone

Thursday November 1, 2018 | Watching Movies | HeadlessCritic

5th Movie “Marrowbone” Review by The Headless Critic

Marrowbone – 2017
Production by: Lionsgate International, Telecino Cinema, Mogambo
Distribution by: Magnet Releasing

They’ve come very far and endured many hardships but at last they feel they’ve found a place where they can be safe. Running from a past they cannot seem to escape the newly christened Marrowbone family takes up residence in a rundown mansion. This new start to their lives is soon staggered with the death of their Mother (Nicola Harrison). Teenage Jack (George MacKay) takes charge hiding his younger siblings away from the world so no one will take them away. He loves his brothers Billy (Charlie Heaton) and Sam (Matthew Stagg) and his sister Jane (Mia Goth) and will do anything to protect them. The past these kids are running from comes back to haunt them. As the dangers of the outside world creep in, the danger found inside are far more deadly.

Spaniard Sergio G. Sánchez, the writer of The Orphanage directs his first English language feature in another mind-bending tale. The first half of Marrowbone is a coming of age story of a family struggling to make it. Though it’s very slow paced it’s also excellent storytelling and I would have followed along had the film never attempted to be more than a family drama. Something dark lies beneath the surface of this family though. Marrowbone becomes a mystery and with time true psychological horror.

An excellent story is layered to keep you guessing. The big reveal is almost laughable in its execution though. The presentation of darkness to light is done too comically for a film of such a serious nature. Luckily Marrowbone doesn’t end with their reveal. What starts as a drama and became psychological horror ends with romance as Jack’s love interest Allie (Ana Taylor-Joy) is asked to accept the horrors that are following this family and define the extent of what true love really is. “No one will ever separate us.”

Available Now on VOD

4 out of 5 Headless Critics