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Candice Nachman

Saturday March 30, 2019 | Past Shows | Neal

Candice Nachman of the 2018 Straight 8 winning short "In Love" joined Nasty Neal on location in Cambridge for The Boston Underground Film Festival!

Candice Nachman's in person interview from BUFF 2019!
- her short "In Love"
- shooting in Super 8
- Cannes
- coming to Boston for the first time
- what films inspired her
- much more so check it out!

In Love // Winner 2018 Straight 8, Cannes France from Candice Rose Nachman on Vimeo.

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Tracks for this podcast -
Our new theme song by The Tomb of Nick Cage
"Broken Heart" from "Night Kisses" by Music of the Month Sophia Cacciola and Michael Epstein!

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