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Watching Movies - Terror in the Skies

Tuesday May 21, 2019 | Watching Movies | HeadlessCritic

Review of "Terror in the Skies” by The Headless Critic

Terror in the Skies – 2019

Production by: Small Town Monsters
Distribution by: Small Town Monsters

In the 1960’s along the Ohio river in the tiny town of Point Pleasant, West Virginia a large moth-like man was spotted by several citizens over a period of time before disappearing never to be seen in the town again. The legend of Point Pleasant’s Mothman has inspired countless books, documentaries, movies and television investigations. None of them could explain what happened to the creature when it left the Ohio, West Virginia border town.

Chicago, Illinois is anything but a tiny town. The largest city and metropolis area in middle-America outside of coastal New York and L.A. and as late as 2017 there have been multiple sightings of the Mothman? On the Missouri, Illinois border, along the Mississippi river, sightings of a giant flying creature have plagued the state since the 1940’s. In Alton, Illinois, a small town similar to Point Pleasant the legend of the Piasa Bird have a history dating back to the 17th century.

Seth Breedlove’s documentary explores hundreds of years of Terror in the Skies in the state of Illinois and bordering Missouri. With documentary interviews the doc immediately becomes about large bird sightings, not a Mothman creature like West Virginia accounts. Animated recreations make the documentary short feature feel more like an episode of a monster hunting show recreating scenes for effect. Interviews with experts are great but when you know the names of the supposed victims involved, I’d much rather hear from the people these bird attacks happened to than watching animated recreations of listening to historians.

The Terror in the Skies are never really considered supernatural, largely exploring only the possibilities of a larger than normal animal attacking mostly smaller humans. The Thunder Birds of Illinois are worth documenting and I enjoyed learning about them from experts. It seems there isn’t much to explore in the way of monsters though. In depth human experiences and less narration would have taken this television feeling documentary to a feature film level production but their findings are far more reliable than a television
monster quest.

Available on VOD June 7th, 2019

3 out of 5 Headless Critics