Tuesday September 10, 2019 | Watching Movies | HeadlessCritic
Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival
of "Drip" by The Headless Critic
Drip – 2019
It’s the middle of the night. The torturous sound keeps you from sleep. Day after day, night after night. There’s nothing you can do to stop it. You would kill for nightmares. It’s driving you insane. It’s driving you to death. It’s driving you to murder. If madness doesn’t get you the Drip will.
The Drip is a real world horror story of the nonstop torment one man endures. A leaky air conditioner triggers the unthinkable sending John (Julian Gavilanes) on a journey across Manhattan coming to a hilarious conclusion. Social commentaries tackle the greatest threat to peace in this world. All in a nine minute short. The Jillian Cantwell directed short is ominous in tone, hilarious in laughter and it carries a message. Most importantly of all, it stars Ozzy the Dog as Ozzy the Prince of Barkness.
Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival
4 out of 5 Headless Critics