Thursday September 12, 2019 | Watching Movies | HeadlessCritic
Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival
Review of "After the Lethargy" by The Headless Critic
After the Lethargy – 2019
Production by: Creatures of the Dark
Humanity has had the oddest affinity for turning its back to anything it doesn’t understand. It wasn’t until the invention of the photograph at the end of the 19th century that we finally began to truly discover aliens might actually exist. This is a disturbing alien tale in the Republic of Somewhere, a hot spot of alien activity, where one of the most extraordinary contacts with extraterrestrials in history took place. “I think we just experienced an encounter of the 4th kind.” This is The Tetis File.
Sara (Andrea Guasch) has traveled deep into the forest of the Republic of Somewhere to a supposed hot spot of alien activity. One of the world’s most extraordinary extraterrestrial events took place in this forest. This place has been documented in the television show The Tetis File. Aliens aren’t the only creatures you have to worry about here. Danger, there’s bears in these woods but “that was not a bear.” At the guide of a local Park Ranger (Joe Manón) Sara traverses the deep forest looking for proof of life outside of our planet. Sara should have just focused on survival.
There’s a place known for aliens no matter where you live in any part of the world. Marc Carreté‘s Republic of Somewhere represents that well in this alien invasion sci-fi thriller. Like many lower budget horror features, a small cast takes to an isolated location like an abandoned building in the woods.
An alien killer attacks off screen with insect noises and little explanation of what happens until it’s finally revealed to be a poor CGI alien. I can forgive the CGI because it looks better than most things playing currently on the SyFy channel and unlike most movies this Alien Invasion remembers to give their otherworldly creature genitals. It’s the little, unneeded things like poorly done CGI lines on the road and unrealistic vomit sounds that stand out as the films biggest imperfections.
The male lead played by Joe Manón and the Policeman (Ben Vinnicombe) give almost comical performances in an otherwise serious film making everything a bit confusing. Even with confusing comedy director Marc Carreté is able to hold your attention throughout the film. Lead actress Andrea Guasch reminds me a lot of the lead in 1981’s Friday the 13th 2, Amy Steel in her looks and her characters lost performance that fights back. Kudo’s to her for walking around the woods half the film with her pants unbuttoned. My favorite part of the film is a practically done C-Section scene making me think how good this movie could have been without the CGI.
Buffalo Dreams Fantastic Film Festival
2 out of 5 Headless Critics