Tuesday October 8, 2019 | Watching Movies | HeadlessCritic
Review of "Along Came the Devil 2” by The Headless Critic
Along Came the Devil 2 – 2019
Production by: Devan Clan Productions
Distribution by: Gravitas Ventures
Mark (Mark Ashworth) is very sorry. He’s sorry for the sins of his past. He’s sorry that he lost his wife to a mysterious death then lost his daughter Jordan (Laura Wiggins) when he took up the drink. He’s sorry he was lost from God all along the way. Now an adult in college, Jordan has long stayed away from her abusive family. Until she gets a call that her little sister Ashley went away at the order of Reverend Michael (Bruce Davison) and has been missing ever since. Ashley came home to find her little sister, along came the devil instead. The sins of your parents will surely come back to find you. Demons walk among us as this family is soon about to be reminded of.
Writer, director Jason DeVan and clan resurrect the devil in this sequel to his 2018 debut feature. A straight continuation of the first movie, the devil comes along for a second time leaving a few characters behind and forgetting their past for the sake of doing it again. DeVan’s sophomore film is more refined this time around than the original was.
An effective score and a couple of shocking decapitations start the film off with a powerful opening. The jump scare start is never quite matched later in the film. Cinematography is impressive, brightly lit even in the dark, setting the scene for some good performances from veteran actor Bruce Davison and Laura Wiggins who makes a good leading lady. Mark Ashworth is the most stand-out performance in the film showing he’s a talented actor. Character continuity of abusive British papaw to saved southerner dad is almost as completely lost with his English accent. A few poor choices of dialogue and a quick turn of character leaves the most layered role in the movie unfulfilled.
Available October 11th, 2019 on VOD
3 out of 5 Headless Critics