Saturday November 9, 2019 | Past Shows | Neal
Slasher Month kicked off with Nick Principe "Chromeskull" of the "Laid to Rest" franchise! Also joining us Frank Sabatella writer and director of "The Shed" coming to theaters and VOD November 15th!
Nick Principe returned!
- leaving social media
- "Juggalogate"
- "Vault" with Theo Rossi, William Forsythe, Chazz Palminteri and more
- updates on a possible 3rd "Laid To Rest"
- working for Michael Bay
- injuries
- recovery
- the slasher genre
- what "Chromeskull" has meant to him and more!
Frank Sabatella writer and director of "The Shed" coming to theaters and VOD November 15th!
Finishing off the show with:
- "Creepy" Craig Lindberg calls in
- Royce calls in to talk about the horror genre
- "Doctor Sleep" review
- model kits talk
- Colin Farrell as the "Penguin"? and more!
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