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Just a quick note...

Sunday August 30, 2020 | WYH News | Tyler

Hello guys and gals,

Just a quick note to say that all the shows from 2019 and earlier will be temporarily removed from the website. You'll experience broken links if you try to play them.

We're moving the entire archive to a new location and will update the links as soon as possible.


The 2020 links are gone now too.

You can listen to and download (almost) every WYH episode at this new link:

Also, you can subscribe to the new podcast feed here:

If you were already subscribed to the old podcast feed, you should automatically be switched to this new one, however, you may see old shows being duplicated or showing up as new episodes. We're very sorry about that.

The remaining shows and the website audio players are still being worked on.

Thanks for your patience!