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VC Dupree of Friday the 13th Part VIII

Friday July 11, 2008 | Past Shows | Neal


VC Dupree of Friday the 13th Part VIII : Jason Takes Manhattan. We went in depth into his role as Julius, the boxing scene with Jason Vorhees and the decapitated head he still has!

VC Dupree Download

VC will be displaying the head at upcoming conventions. VC along with many other guests will be at the Super Mega show. For more information on visiting the Super Mega Show in Wayne NJ area at the Crowne Plaza Fairfield NJ RT 46 east next to Willbrook mall July 12-13 please visit:
To visit the official VC Dupree myspace please visit:

In the post show we were joined again by Astro Creep for this week's Newscreep !! Including news on Jeepers Creepers III, Leprechaun vs Wishmaster, Halloween 3 disc DVD set, I am Legend 3 disc DVD boxed set and much much more !!!