Sunday September 9, 2018 | Watching Movies | HeadlessCritic
Review of “7 Witches” by The Headless Critic
7 witches – 2017
Production by: GMMG Films
Distribution by: Indican Pictures
An ancient religion persecuted into near obsoletion gets a breathe of new life when daughter Agatha Sklar (Megan Hensley) takes her bride to be Rose Boyle (Danika Golombek). “The Cycle Begins” when Kate Boyle (Persephone Apostolou) comes home for the wedding. People often convert religions for their bride to be, that religion just isn’t often Paganism anymore. Marriage requires the ultimate sacrifice. The joining of the Boyle family to the Sklar family should be a joyous occasion. Spending her life with this bride is going to cost Rose Boyle everything.
With a female empowerment movement sweeping Hollywood, most roles of woman in power these days seem forced and don’t work. Within one movie, co-writer and director Brady Hall gives us two badass women I would gladly watch more of. Leading lady Persephone Apostolou hunts down one of the best cases of vengeance I’ve seen recently in film. She gets vengeance on those seeking vengeance. It’s simple, effective and I was rooting for her success. Kate’s aunt Paula (Macall Gordon) is just as endearing, offering guidance for her niece from marijuana to murder.
The man who brought us a slew of comical titles including, Jerkbeast, Tits and Blood, Polterchrist and Hello, My Name is Dick Licker brings us something a little darker to fear in 7 Witches. Brady Hall gives paganism and marriage a bad name. Not that both of them haven’t been persecuted before. Good performances are kept serious but with almost comical undertones. The score behind the dual family dinner does cross that line into comical leading to the question of what actually was for dinner? Soup's on and these Pagans are feeding on your body and your soul.
Available Now on VOD
3 out of 5 Headless Critics